Singer Beyonce greets President Barack Obama at Monday's Inauguration Day swearing-in ceremony.
- The pundits and comedians of Twitter weigh in on Monday's Inauguration Day events
- People commented on first-family fashion, TV anchor gaffes, president's speech
- NASA tweeted a link to a photo of the National Mall taken from space
(CNN) -- Maybe it didn't have quite the grandeur of President Barack Obama's historic inauguration four years ago. But Monday's Inauguration Day events showcased the pomp and circumstance of the U.S. government at its finest.
We may not have royal weddings in the States, but this is about as close as it gets.
And, where there is public spectacle, there is Twitter, the rapid-fire platform where the world's online social critics record their musings. From politicos to comedians to ordinary citizens, some offered heartfelt thoughts on the historical importance of the day, while others jockeyed for a cheap laugh and a few retweets.
Here are some of our favorites. (We'll be adding to this list as the day goes on.)
Barack Obama -- I'm honored and grateful that we have a chance to finish what we started. Our work begins today. Let's go. -bo
Eric Cantor, House majority leader -- This is a great day for all Americans to celebrate and to remember that the Capitol belongs to all.
TJ Holmes -- Can't help but wonder if this is last time in my lifetime I'll get 2 see an African American take presidential oath of office. #Inaug2013
Sandra Lee -- OK #inaug2013 watchers, who is that handsome teenaged boy making eyes at Malia Obama? #VeryCute
Philip DeFranco -- Excited about this inauguration. If Obama sees his shadow there will be 6 more years of crippling crippling debt.
Speaker John Boehner -- Embracing #MLK's call to serve & make the most of this moment God has given us #MLKDay
Andrew Kaczynski, BuzzFeed reporter -- Can't believe you guys are watching the inauguration while Scooby Doo is on.
Catherine Q -- Malia and Sasha look so sweet. And so grown up! #inaug2013
Mark Harris, EW columnist -- "There's Morgan Freeman--I'm sorry, uh, sorry, Bill Russell!"--George Stephanopoulos, who will never live that down, on ABC just now.
Ana Marie Cox -- Karl Rove in his basement, enacting a Romney inauguration with life-sized cardboard figures.
VI -- Look at all those flags! Proud to call myself an American today
Michelle Freed -- Me: Kids, come watch the Inauguration! Kids: Neat. Now, can we go watch SpongeBob upstairs? *bows head and sighs* #Inaug2013
Malcom Glenn -- Unquestionably the largest cheer so far for a jumbotron appearance has gone to Jay-Z and Beyonce...louder than Joe and Jill Biden. #inaug13
The White House -- "Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation, and one people." —President Obama #inaug2013
Omar L. Gallaga -- I opened for Beyoncé." -- something inaugural poet Richard Blanco gets to say forever. #inaug2013
StevieG the truth -- Obama's being inaugurated, it's Martin Luther King Day and Beyonce's singing the anthem. Black folk are having the best Monday EVER.