U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, right, and Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan depart the stage following their debate on Thursday, October 11.
President Barack Obama watches the vice presidential debate aboard Air Force One with staff while heading home from Florida on Thursday.
Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan walk off stage after the vice presidential debate.
Vice presidential candidate Ryan greets family following his debate with Vice President Biden.
Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan mingle with their families after the debate.
Vice President Biden smiles during the debate.
Rep. Paul Ryan listens closely during the debate.
Vice President Biden and vice presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ryan go head to head in the first and only vice presidential debate.
Vice President Biden reacts to comments made during the debate.
Vice presidential candidate Ryan lays out his views.
Vice President Biden responds to points made.
Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan engages the moderator during the vice presidential debate.
Vice President Biden gestures to accentuate his point.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, left, engages in the first and only vice presidential debate on Thursday, October 11.
Vice President Biden reacts during the debate.
Vice President Biden and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan face off.
Vice President Biden greets Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan as they take the stage.
Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the vice presidential debate as moderator Martha Raddatz looks on.
Vice President Biden, left, and Republican vice presidential candidate Ryan, right, participate in the debate.
Ryan speaks during the debate.
Biden presents his views on Thursday.
Ryan awaits his turn to speak.
Vice President Joe Biden, left, shakes hands with Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan before the vice presidential debate.
Janna Ryan, wife of Paul Ryan, waves to the crowd.
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Joe Biden, greets the crowd.
An audience member holds a debate program.
Debate moderator Martha Raddatz speaks to the crowd prior to the start of the vice presidential Debate.
- Vice President Joe Biden, Rep. Paul Ryan battle to a draw in their only debate
- Biden depicts Ryan and Mitt Romney as protectors of the wealthy
- Ryan says President Barack Obama has the nation on the wrong path
- Biden helps revitalize Democrats after Obama's poor debate last week
(CNN) -- Vice President Joe Biden and Republican challenger Paul Ryan hit the campaign trail on Friday after a combative debate in which they challenged each other's facts and claims while offering starkly different visions for the direction the country should follow.
In the lone debate between the vice presidential contenders, Biden achieved his goal of bringing the fight to his GOP foe in battling Ryan to a draw, boosting the spirits of Democrats disheartened by President Barack Obama's lackluster performance in the first presidential debate last week.
Ryan, meanwhile, made a positive impression with his command of both domestic and foreign policy issues that showed him to be a formidable national candidate after a career of local congressional races in his native Wisconsin.
A snap CNN-ORC International poll showed voters who watched Thursday's debate narrowly favored Ryan over Biden by 48%-44%, a statistically even result after GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney scored a clear victory over Obama last week in their first of three debates.
Biden, Ryan hold lively VP debate
Best zingers from VP debate
Martha Raddatz of ABC News aggressively moderated the debate, challenging both candidates on some claims and moving on to various topics covering both domestic and foreign policy.
Ryan repeatedly said the Obama administration has taken the nation in the wrong direction, asserting it has hindered economic recovery and weakened U.S. influence around the world.
"The choice is clear: a stagnant economy that promotes more government dependency or a dynamic, growing economy that promotes opportunity and jobs," Ryan said. "Mitt Romney and I will not duck the tough issues, and we will not blame others for the next four years."
He also repeated several times, in reference to the recent terrorist attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya and other anti-American protests, that "what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy."
Biden called several of Ryan's remarks "malarkey" and challenged Americans to trust their common sense when judging proposals by the Republican challengers.
The tax and entitlement reforms proposed by Romney and Ryan would harm the middle class and favor the wealthy, Biden said in seeking to depict Republicans as protectors of the privileged.
"You think these guys are going to go out there and cut those loopholes?" Biden asked about unspecified moves promised by Romney and Ryan to balance broad tax cuts they propose.
On the topic of reforming the Medicare program for senior citizens, which Romney and Ryan seek to partially privatize, Biden referred to a Ryan proposal to provide partial government payment for seniors in the future to buy private health care.
"Folks, use your common sense. Who do you trust on this?" Biden asked, saying Ryan's plan would increase Medicare costs to recipients by $6,000 a year. Ryan disputed the claim, which was based on a proposal that he has since altered.
The lone vice-presidential debate before the November 6 election pitted Biden, 69, and his almost four decades of experience in national politics against the 42-year-old Ryan, a 14-year congressional veteran who rose to the chairmanship of the powerful House Budget Committee.
Privately, senior Democrats told CNN they believed a strong showing by Biden could help the Democratic ticket, but wouldn't be enough to erase problems created by Obama's self-admitted bad debate performance against Romney.
Obama and Romney will square off again Tuesday in New York and October 22 in Florida.
Polling after the first presidential debate showed Romney tightening the race nationally and in some of the nine battleground states considered vital to either candidate's chances of garnering the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House.
"I do think Joe Biden did his boss a lot of good tonight," CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen said after Thursday's debate. CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger said Biden's job "was to right the ship, and he did it."
Both analysts criticized Biden for his tendency to smile and roll his eyes in response to some of Ryan's comments, especially early in the debate, with Gergen saying Ryan won on style but the debate was even with regard to substance.
Biden also was more aggressive in his demeanor, repeatedly cutting off Ryan and sometimes talking at the same time as his rival to challenge specific comments.
At one point, Ryan told Biden that "I know you're under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground, but I think people would be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other."
Biden responded: "Well, don't take all the four minutes then" in reference to how much time the candidates had to respond to a particular question. Overall, Biden spoke for about a minute more than Ryan during the 90-minute-debate.
Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, a CNN contributor, said Biden "had to buy his boss a week until the next debate, and he did that tonight."
"He wasn't charming Joe Biden tonight, that wasn't his mission," Castellanos said.
Ryan repeatedly sought to focus the debate on the Obama-Biden record of the last four years, arguing the administration's policies hindered economic recovery and weakened the nation's standing and influence in the world.
For his part, Biden tried to frame the election as a choice between differing directions for the country by contending policies of the Romney-Ryan ticket would hurt the middle class and move the nation backward on social issues such as gay rights and abortion.
Unlike Obama last week, Biden made sure to mention Romney's controversial comments secretly recorded at a May fundraiser in which the former Massachusetts governor spoke dismissively of 47% of Americans who he said depend on government benefits and don't pay taxes.
In one of his most effective moments, he gave a passionate defense of Americans who participate in the social safety net of entitlement programs and other benefits.
"These people are my mom and dad -- the people I grew up with, my neighbors." Biden said. "They pay more effective tax than Governor Romney pays in his federal income tax. They are elderly people who in fact are living off of Social Security. They are veterans and people fighting in Afghanistan right now who are, quote, 'not paying any tax.'"
In the biggest laugh line of the night, Ryan conceded Romney didn't express the thought exactly as he wanted at the fundraiser, then needled the gaffe-prone Biden by saying: "I think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way."
Biden immediately responded "but I always say what I mean."
Ryan, a staunch conservative congressman, criticized Obama's administration for its failure to protect four Americans killed in the Libya attack last month, and for mixed messages about what transpired.
"This Benghazi issue would be a tragedy in and of itself. But unfortunately it's indicative of a larger problem," Ryan said, adding that illustrated an unraveling of the administration's foreign policy.
Biden smiled and shook his head as Ryan delivered his criticism, then responded that "not a single thing he said was accurate."
However, Biden then claimed that the administration received no requests to increase security at the Benghazi compound, which contradicted testimony from State Department officials at a congressional hearing this week.
The Romney campaign hammered Biden for the remark after the debate, releasing a statement listing a string of media reports pointing out Biden's mistake.
On Iran, widely backed international sanctions pushed by Obama have devastated that country's economy, Biden said. He rejected assertions that Obama failed to work closely with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that the United States lacked commitment to a possible military strike to prevent Iran from becoming capable of developing a nuclear weapon.
"This president doesn't bluff," Biden said.
Ryan, however, insisted that Iran was closer now to having a nuclear weapon than it was four years ago, blaming the administration for allowing that to happen. He bluntly said that Tehran must not be allowed to become a nuclear power.
"This is the world's largest sponsor of terrorism," he said. "And if they get nuclear weapons, other people in the neighborhood will pursue nuclear weapons as well. We can't live with that."
Last week, Obama was chided for being passive, and polls conducted after the debate indicate the White House race is now extremely tight ahead of the election.
Key surveys indicate that Obama and Romney are knotted up in the battleground states of Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Colorado. Most experts believe that nine swing states will determine the next president.
On Friday, Ryan joins Romney at a campaign event in Ohio after Romney attends an earlier event in Virginia. Biden will campaign in Wisconsin while Obama spends the day at the White House.